
Tesco collection update and our summer appeal

5th July 2016

Friday 30th June to 2nd July 2016 saw Braintree Area Foodbank take part in the national Neighbourhood Collection Days at Mark’s Farm Tesco in Braintree.  We collected 1.69 tons of food and we would like to say a huge thank you to both donors and volunteers who made this possible.

Unfortunately we are still giving out more food than we are receiving in donations, and this is where you can help.  With the school holidays approaching those children who would normally receive a school meal during term time could face food poverty.  Despite their parents best efforts they may not receive a hot meal due to low incomes, benefit issues or both which could lead to  some member of that family going hungry.

To help us prevent this, could you……

  • Donate now by Clicking on the Charity Choice link
  • Hold a coffee morning but bring food instead of cakes?
  • Encourage groups and clubs that you belong to collect food for us?
  • Make a donation at one of our collection points?
  • Get your children’s schools involved with a collection or raise money by holding a non uniform day?
  • Ask one of us along to give a talk on what we do?

Our shopping list provides a full list of the type of food that we need.

Our food parcels contains up to three days worth of nutritious food to help those in crisis.

If you want to help us further you can contact us using the form below.

Thank you so much for your help.

send us an email

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