Lived Experiences
Lived Experiences FAQ
Below is some more information that you might need to read before you take part
Help us make our support even stronger:
We want to learn more about the experiences faced by clients before, during and after visiting one of our foodbank centres.
We would like to interview people either in person, over the phone or online.
We have some questions that we would like you to answer about how the Foodbank helped you plus any other information that you feel would be useful for us to know to help raise awareness.
Understanding people’s experiences from the moment they entered the Foodbank centre to the time they left is a key part of this project.
It’s so important to get feedback on the level of service provided by our volunteers and also to find out the things that made a big difference.
We are hoping our lived experience project can help us to better plug the gaps in support, reduce the stigma around modern hardship and give food poverty a voice.
If you would like to share your story please opt in here. – link….
Please read terms and conditions here…. Link