
Harvest Festival Donations, Please

26th September 2023

Schools and churches, have you held your harvest festival yet?

Whilst we all enjoy seeing those colourful baskets of fruit and vegetables, this is more our sort of thing:

Your Braintree Area Foodbank needs you.  Food and toiletries with a shelf-life of at least six months is what we are looking for.  We sent our harvest shopping list to schools and churches earlier this month, but, if you don’t have a copy to hand, you can download it at

We suggest you put a big box in a place where it will be seen.  You may like to cover it with pretty wrapping paper.  Pin on to it a notice explaining that it is for Foodbank donations and also a copy of harvest shopping list.

Also please look our for Facebook and Instagram about the items we need most on a week to week basis.

To arrange for your donations to be collected by Foodbank, or with any other questions, please contact [email protected]

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